Twenty One Pilots’ Blurryface Album

Project Description
Album: Blurryface by Twenty One Pilots
Approach: non-literal interpretation of the album title
Album: Blurryface by Twenty One Pilots
Approach: non-literal interpretation of the album title
Album story and meaning: Blurryface is a character who personifies the artist’s insercurities. The album traces the journey of separating yourself from your insecurities, facing your fears, and defeating them.
Concept: facing your fears through the subject’s decision to face the mask created by her insecurities, fears, and doubts. Only when she takes off the mask and faces it head on can she truly see who she is and how she can defeat Blurryface.
Concept Development
Photography exploration

Front cover iterations

Back cover iterations

Record sticker iterations

Typeface exploration

Final Typeface
Ubuntu Light was chosen for its sans-serif, modern, humanist design. With its unique and rounded letterforms, open apertures, and tall x-height, it provides a bold look that still keeps the title from overpowering the photography.
Ubuntu Light was chosen for its sans-serif, modern, humanist design. With its unique and rounded letterforms, open apertures, and tall x-height, it provides a bold look that still keeps the title from overpowering the photography.

Final Solution

The final step of the project was printing the album and constructing it by hand. A final class critique led to improved communication and analyzation skills.